3325 Division Street, Los Angeles, CA 90065
Imogen Teasley-Vlautin, Artist, Composer
The Castle in the Trees
A digital sound piece resonating the walls of the collaborative, creative space that is the Castle in the Trees. The ever-present energy of inspiration modulates the space as the space modulates it. Sounds of new ideas, leaves rustling, people connecting, bodies moving, and music pulsing permeate the Castle; reflecting off walls, echoing down halls, and reverberating rooms, creating a distinct amalgam of Castle vibrations. This piece gives sonic life to the constant oscillation of energy, and the balance between doing and being that exists within the space.

Imogen Teasley-Vlautin is a composer and multimedia artist from Los Angeles. They write and produce songs, compose music for film and podcasts, and make video art. They have scored films that have screened at places such as the Kennedy Center, the Smithsonian, and SF MoAD, and they’ve performed at places such as the Exploratorium, the Strand Theater, and the Contemporary Jewish Museum. Imogen TV studied music composition, electronic music, and media technology at Mills College and currently works as a freelance composer and audio engineer in Oakland. Their music and visual art can be found at imogentv.com.